Premium Water Filters    

                      Emergency Filters for Disinfection of Household Drinking Water During Waterborne Disease Outbreaks and Disruption of Drinking Water Delivery Systems. 


                      The Emergency Preparedness Rational:

  When it comes to civil disasters and waterborne illness outbreaks, it is always better to be proactive than reactive.  History shows that when a real crisis strikes, critical supplies such as food, water, and gasoline tend to disappear at alarming speeds, and often at alarming prices (opportunistic price gouging).  Do you like waiting in long lines and paying high prices? What if you arrive too late and supplies have been exhausted? Remember the chaos, looting, and scarcity of supplies in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina?

  Hospital emergency rooms, especially in big cities, are already typically operating "at capacity".  Typically you will find sick and injured patients waiting for long periods of time to get diagnosed and treated during any typical week with no civil disasters.  Ambulances are already routinely being re-routed to other hospitals during a typical week.  Can you picture the scenario and imagine the waiting times if all of a sudden the whole city got very sick on the same day? If you actually survived, what would your medical bill be if you were biologically poisoned with one of the deadliest diseases on earth?  Have you examined a hospital bill lately?

  What if you have several cases of bottled water on hand, and then find out that you are the only person on your street who has prepared for this and now your neighbors, friends, or relatives are all knocking on your door because they heard you have some safe drinking water left.   Are you really going to say "No" to them?  How long will the bottled water last you now?  When a crisis like this strikes, you can reasonably expect bottled water to disappear from the stores almost immediately, and possibly at inflated prices.   Some people prefer to be prepared, if not self-sufficient.


How can the average person take some control over this situation and do something to protect themselves instead of completely relying on someone else to provide for them?

  We have developed some effective technology based solutions that will allow the common people to put layers of defense between themselves and microorganisms in the dreaded event of accidental or deliberate biological contamination of their household drinking water supply and also a complete shutdown of their municipal water supply. 

  With our "proactive" category of filter systems this can give you and your family time to realize what is happening in the town around you and to switch over to an alternative supply of safe drinking water such as your cases of bottled drinking water - before ingesting the "full-dose" of infectious microorganisms that suddenly is sickening the whole town through the municipal water supply pipelines.

  We have either developed or modified several technologies at different price levels, so that even people on a budget can have some options to consider when it comes down to purifying your own water for an indefinite period of time.

  We are not trying to be alarmists, we are high technology solution providers for the common people at affordable prices.

Water must be available:

  This discussion assumes that you will either have some source of water available at your house [biologically contaminated, we assume], such as your water faucet from your municipal water provider, or that you are somehow able to bring [biologically contaminated] water to your house, such as from a swimming pool, a well, or a nearby body of water (lake or river). 

What do we mean by Biological Contamination?

  When we say [biologically contaminated] we mean halfway decent non-polluted water contaminated with: any Viruses including H5N1 virus in drinking water , any Bacteria, any Protozoa, and any Cysts, chlorine-resistant cysts, and their oocysts.   These will either make you ill, extremely ill, or kill you.

From a SIZE perspective, there are 3 size categories of microorganisms: Cysts/Protozoa (the largest-easy to filter out), Bacteria (much smaller), and VIRUS (the smallest-very very difficult to filter out).

For an in depth summary report on Bird Flu, water purification, colloidal silver, and nutrition topics, visit the Ariel Co. website  where you can find a wealth of information on many subjects.  

Best sources for raw water:

  Your best source to to procure the raw, untreated drinking water would be from your water faucet, your drinking water well, rainwater, or clean snow.  Then cleaner and clearer it is, the better.

  Your next best sources would be from your chlorinated swimming pool. 

Your last option would be from a pond, lake or river.  Rivers typically contain chemical pollution of all sorts and lots of very fine particles (turbidity).  Rivers are usually your last option unless they are clear water.

  Not Recommended: muddy water, flood water, chemically polluted water, colored water, sewage water, gray colored water, water from farm runoff ditches (pesticides), polluted industrial and mineral mining lagoons, and runoff ditches or ponds or rivers near any factories, abandoned factories, or landfills.  Do not use sea water or brackish water!  Use some common sense.

Household chlorine bleach is very effective against bacteria and VIRUS:

Be warned: Ceramic gravity/siphon filters (at 0.9 microns Absolute) cannot filter VIRUS , but nobody selling these mentions this. They only mention larger microorganisms such as bacteria and cysts.   Viruses are .02 - .25 microns in size, which is much smaller than 0.9 microns Absolute! In fact Viruses are 45 to 3.6 times smaller than the 0.9 microns Absolute rating of a ceramic filter.

Another thing to know is that ceramic filters are real good at clogging up with dirty muddy (non-clear) water, and then they stop working.   We tell you this for your protection, not because we are trying to sell you something.  We wish that the ceramic filters removed virus!  That would have made life easier for all of us.    

  The US E.P.A., the US Army, and the World Health Organization have all done some extensive research on the subject of using unscented [household] chlorine bleach (5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite Solution) to disinfect virus, bacteria, and cyst contaminated drinking water during an emergency.  We have developed some inexpensive ($105-$170) "gravity bucket" filter systems that utilize chlorine bleach to make drinking water safe.  These systems are found in the "Reactive" category of filter systems.


Janerotech Emergency Disinfection FILTER SYSTEMS for Drinking Water and Bleach Disinfected Drinking Water                           

             (We have 2 main categories at various price levels from $105.-$430.)

Category 1:  (Proactive) Every Day Use Systems that use household water pressure and sometimes electricity.  

    These are every day filter systems that hook up to a regular pressurized drinking water line , such as your kitchen sink water supply, and REQUIRE WATER PRESSURE to push the contaminated tap water through the filter system.  These systems are best installed "pro-actively", months or years before a disaster strikes, and are typically used every single day so that when disaster strikes you are already protected with additional layers of defense to the certain degree that these systems will give you when functioning properly and maintained properly. 

However, if your water pressure or water supply gets somehow cut off, you are suddenly out of luck with this type of system.   Then you will need to switch over to the second type of system described below, as well as finding a source of semi-clear water.

NOTICE: None of these systems are rated for infectious water by the manufacturers.  All of these system's manufacturers post a Legal Disclaimer that these systems are only to be used with drinking water that has been "properly disinfected".  Use all of the products on this page at your own risk.

What these systems WILL give you is additional layers of defense that you previously did not have.  These additional layers of defense, when functioning properly, will end up drastically lowering the biological count of infectious microorganisms in the output water. Infection in humans is a function of "biological count" - how many microorganisms did you ingest?  This is still no guarantee you won't get sick, but it's a whole lot better than doing nothing and "taking the full dose" of infectious particles that unknowingly may end up coming down your pipeline some day.


Category 1: (Proactive) Systems That Use Household Water Pressure (20-85 PSI)and sometimes electricity - Every Day Use.

    (There are several variations and price variations for each of these systems.)

   These systems should all provide some degree of protection against virus, bacteria, protozoa, and chlorine resistant cysts when operating properly, although use at your own risk, and no promises are being made, because none of the manufacturers are willing to make any promises.   See Important Legal Disclaimer at bottom of this section.  For maximum protection see the Family Biological Protection System 1.

Click Here To View Category 1 PROACTIVE Systems


 Important Legal Disclaimer : 

All of the manufacturers of the above and below systems and cartridges would like you to know that you are only supposed to use their systems and cartridges with water that is microbiologically safe and properly disinfected, and make no warranties or promises of any kind that their product is fit for any particular purpose and that "determination of suitability" of these products for "uses and applications contemplated by the Buyer" shall be the sole responsibility of the Buyer (that's YOU.) Use at your own risk.

(What these systems WILL give you is additional layers of defense that you previously did not have.  These additional layers of defense, when functioning properly, will end up drastically lowering the biological count of infectious microorganisms in the output water. Infection in humans is a function of biological count - how many microorganisms did you ingest?  This is still no guarantee you won't get sick, but it's a whole lot better than doing nothing and "taking the full dose" of infectious particles that unknowingly may end up coming your way some day.)   

Therefore, Janerotech Inc. says, Use at your own risk.  These are some of the most advanced technologies on the planet, and they work very very well, but of course so many things can go wrong with anything, that nobody wants to accept responsibility, especially for biological microorganisms, so neither will we.  

   Meanwhile, we all drink the water from the above systems, and feel very, very protected by these very fine technologies developed by some of the smartest engineers and scientists on the planet. 

For Questions or Orders:  Call us at 210-568-3628

  Mon.- Fri. (9 AM-5 PM) CST

Category 2:  (Reactive) Emergency Use Low Pressure Filter Systems, and Gravity Filter Systems - requires no city water pressure.

    These filter systems are designed for a complete cut-off of your municipally supplied pressurized water.  We build 2 types of rugged systems that either use a battery operated pump to push water through a filter (See: Guardian Filter System) or use 5 gallon pails elevated at least 15 feet high and rely only on gravity to create water pressure to push bleach water through a carbon filter.  This gravity bucket system requires you to FIRST properly disinfect the water in 5 gallon buckets with chlorine bleach according to detailed instructions.  

These systems are used "re-actively" on an emergency basis, and require some sort of instant notification from health authorities that your water is not safe.  This is not as safe as a "pro-active system", but definitely still serves a vital purpose: turning almost any quantity of biologically contaminated drinking water, from almost any source (that is non-polluted), into safe drinking water - with no household supplied water pressure or utility-supplied electricity.   How many gallons depends on how much bleach you have on hand (gravity bucket system) or if you have any replacement carbon filter cartridges. 


 Important Legal Disclaimer for infectious or contaminated water: 

All of the manufacturers of the above and below systems, UV Disinfection Units, and filter cartridges would like you to know that you are only supposed to use their UV systems and cartridges with potable drinking water that is microbiologically safe and properly disinfected, and make no warranties of any kind that their product is fit for any particular purpose other than exactly what they say in their original product specification sheet, and that "determination of suitability" of these products for "uses and applications contemplated by the Buyer" shall be the sole responsibility of the Buyer (that's YOU.)  Use at your own risk.  Do not use these systems on water that is chemically polluted or toxic.  

Therefore, Janerotech Inc. says, Use at your own risk. 

For Questions or Orders:  Call us at 210-568-3628

  Mon.- Fri. (9 AM-5 PM) CST


Category 2:  (Reactive) Emergency Filter Systems - Emergency Use. 

Option 2a:

Chlor-Guard-CLEAR    Emergency Filter System - 12 volt. DC

Another Janerotech Technology Exclusive!

Be prepared for drinking water illness outbreaks

interuptions of water service, and "Don't Drink The Water" announcements.

Brief Overview:  Much much easier to use than the gravity-bucket systems described below. Requires a 12 volt DC power source for the 2 pumps, such as a car battery, deep cycle storage battery, or a power inverter that converts household AC current into 12 volt DC. 

  This unique system disinfects and carbon purifies potable water sources that have become unsafe for consumption due to biological contamination by bacteria, virus, or protozoans such as Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Toxoplasma, Entamoebas, etc.

Limitations: Not exactly intended for muddy water, but will still work perfectly.  (Call us for for an additional pre-filter for muddy water, and let us know if you wish to use this for cloudy water) 

Not intended for polluted or toxic water.  Activated carbon does not remove significant quantities of inorganics, nitrates, or metals.

Designed for basically clearish water.  Excellent for clear swimming pool water, municipal tap water, clear rain water, clear melted snow, clear streams, clear ponds, clear lakes, etc.

You supply some regular liquid chlorine bleach and a new clean plastic garbage can (or bucket, or barrel) of any size.  This will be called your Disinfection Barrel.

  First,You drop the line of black tubing into your source of raw water and use the system's Dirty Pump to pump the RAW dirty water through special sediment filters to clean and clarify this water and fill your Disinfection Barrel with any quantity of water you desire. 

  Second, add some regular bleach to the Disinfection Barrel (according to our instructions) and stir to create a strong disinfection. This disinfection will be stronger than the US EPA Disinfection Method prescribed for common citizens during emergencies.  (We make it stronger 3 different ways.)  60 minutes later the disinfection is complete.  This will be effective against ALL bacteria, virus, and even chlorine-resistant protozoans and cysts.

  Last, drop the blue line of tubing into the Disinfection Barrel and use the Clean Pump to pump the disinfected water through activated carbon filtration to remove the chlorine bleach, byproducts of chlorination, trace organic compounds, and VOCs. 

  Clean disinfected drinking water flows out the dispensor tube at 1/2 Gallon Per Minute into the container of your choice.  Your water will not taste like bleach.  It's really very simple, safe, and easy.  Much easier than the gravity bucket system.

Use at your own risk.  Requires you to measure bleach correctly and time the disinfection for 60 minutes to be effective.  Includes complete instructions in English.  Very Easy to use.

Chlor-Guard-CLEAR Filter System by Janerotech: only $300.

Chlor-Guard-CLEAR  Emergency Filter System, 12 volt DC, complete with 2 pumps and all filters- plus 2 spare sediment filters.

Add to Cart

Item # CGCEFS12V

Only $300.

Not intended for chemically polluted or toxic water.  Activated carbon does not remove significant quantities of inorganics, nitrates, or metals.


Option 2b:

JaneroPure®  Emergency Disinfection Gravity Filter - Double Stage    

This system uses a series of 5 gallon buckets to perform chlorine bleach disinfection on potable drinking water that has become unsafe for consumption due to biological contamination by bacteria, virus, or protozoans such as Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Toxoplasma, Entamoebas, etc.  Pushing the disinfected bleach water through a single carbon filter is accomplished by elevating the bucket at least 15 feet in the air to allow gravity to create the pressure.  The bucket will weigh about 45 Lbs. and will limit you to 4 gallon batches.  This Chlor-Guard-CLEAR system described above is in fact, a better system, as long as you have electricity.  This gravity bucket system simply costs a little less and uses no electricity, but requires much more work from you.

Recommended for All Water, but mandatory for dirty, cloudy, or murky water.  Also river and lake water.  Price: $175.   Item # JEDGFDSN   (Use at your own risk.)

Complete with everything except bleach, plastic measuring spoon set, large plastic stir spoon, and "Free Chlorine" Test Strips. 

  Minimal assembly (simply insert filter cartridges and connect tubing and spigot).

   Ships as 2 separate stacks of (2) 5 gallon pails with lids and everything else inside.

  This system is exactly the same as the Single Stage System described below, except that your are supplied with an additional pail and a (pre-chlorination) particulate filter unit. 

   This pail will be the starting point for your "Murky" Raw Water, and after pouring this murky water through the fabric filter on top, you would then ELEVATE this pail at least 7 feet higher than the Disinfection Pail beneath it, open the valve, and let the Murky Raw Water pass through the special NanoCeram® Filter which will filter out particulates down to 0.2 microns in size as well as typically 99% of virus and 99.99% of bacteria.  Don't forget to order spare filters.

   The NanoCeram® nanofilter, will filter out most solids and organic matter and clarify the Murky Raw Water, allowing the chlorine bleach to do a BETTER job of disinfecting. 

   Clarifying the water before chlorination will also help reduce the amount of nasty byproducts of chlorination generated by contact with organic matter and help protect the carbon block filter from getting clogged, because the carbon block is a very fine 0.5 micron filter.  

    After all the Murky Raw Water is clarified into the Disinfection Pail, you would then perform the prescribed Strong Disinfection with bleach and proceed as you would in the Single Stage LPF System described above-

starting with pouring the bleach water into the Gravity Bucket and then opening to valve to have it purified from the second filter unit (with the special carbon block).

  Our tests with this system have reduced a chlorine level of 10-15 ppm Free Chlorine and Total Chlorine down to 0 ppm of Free Chlorine and 0 ppm of of Total Chlorine.  The finished product looked and tasted tasted just like bottled drinking water.

   Be sure to have spare Matrikx CR1 Cartridges on hand for when the original one gets "loaded" and needs to be switched out.  This could shut you down. 

 Recommended Filtration Capacity of a CR1 carbon cartridge in THIS application: 1,500 gallons (that's 300  x 5 gal. pails).

JaneroPure™ Emergency Disinfection Low Pressure Filter System-Double Stage


Add to Cart Only $190.00

Not intended for polluted or toxic water.  Activated carbon does not remove significant quantities of inorganics, nitrates, or metals.

Order extra CR1 carbon cartridges for this unit.

Order extra NanoCeram nanofilters for this unit.

Option 2c:

The JaneroPure® Emergency Disinfection Gravity Filter - Single Stage

(for "crystal clear" water only)    Price: $115.  (Use at your own risk.)

This system uses a series of 5 gallon buckets to perform chlorine bleach disinfection on potable drinking water that has become unsafe for consumption due to biological contamination by bacteria, virus, or protozoans such as Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Toxoplasma, Entamoebas, etc.  Pushing the disinfected bleach water through a single carbon filter is accomplished by elevating the bucket at least 15 feet in the air to allow gravity to create the pressure.  The bucket will weigh about 45 Lbs. and will limit you to 4 gallon batches.  This Chlor-Guard-CLEAR system described above is in fact, a better system, as long as you have electricity.  This gravity bucket system simply costs a little less and uses no electricity, but requires much more work from you.

Complete with everything except bleach, plastic measuring spoon set, large plastic stir spoon, and "Free Chlorine" Test Strips. 

Minimal assembly (simply insert filter cartridge and connect tubing and spigot).

   Ships as a stack of (3) 5 gallon pails with lids and everything else inside.

  This system is tested, works very well, and was determined to be Very Easy to use. 

   After using the chlorine bleach "strong disinfection" technique described above in the supplied Disinfection Pail with fabric filter you would then pour the bleach water into the supplied Gravity Bucket and elevate this pail at least 12 - 15 feet higher than the filter unit.  This elevation is obtained by placing the Gravity Pail on a small table, folding ladder, or 5 milk crates at the top of a stairway or by hanging it on a pulley from the top of an extension ladder or 20 foot high tree branch.

  Open the valve and gravity will pull the chlorinated water down through the tubing and push it through a special carbon block filter the Matrikx CR1 (at ground level) that will remove 99% of the chlorine, nasty chlorine byproducts, and 99.9% of chlorine-resistant CYSTS (microorganisms) from the water.  

   Our tests with this system have reduced a chlorine level of 10-15 ppm Free Chlorine and Total Chlorine down to 0 ppm of Free Chlorine and 0 ppm of of Total Chlorine.  The finished product looked and tasted tasted just like bottled drinking water.

   This purified drinking water will then fill a supplied 5 gal. Purified Drinking Water pail equipped with a dispenser spigot so you can easily fill jugs, wash hands, or wash dishes with the purified water.

   The flow rate from only 10 feet elevation is about 1/3 gallons per minute.  At this worst-case elevation it takes about 13-14 minutes to purify and empty out the 4 gallon batch of bleach water.   Higher elevation will increase pressure (1/2 PSI per foot)and improve the flow rate. The pressure tubing is about 19 feet long, which will give you about a 12 foot elevation (about 6 PSI) on a 45 degree angle stairway, or an 18 foot elevation(about 9 PSI) when elevated from straight up overhead. 

   Be sure to have spare Matrikx CR1 Cartridges on hand for when the original one gets "loaded" and needs to be switched out.  This could shut you down. 

 Recommended Filtration Capacity of a CR1 carbon cartridge in THIS application: 1,500 gallons (that's 300  x 5 gal. pails).

JaneroPure™ Emergency Disinfection Low Pressure Filter System-Single Stage

Item # JEDLPFSS  (for crystal clear water only - rain water, well water, clear swimming pools)

Add to Cart Only $115.00

Not intended for polluted or toxic water.  Activated carbon does not remove significant quantities of inorganics, nitrates, or metals.

  Use at your own risk.

Order extra CR1 carbon cartridges for this unit.



Household chlorine bleach is very effective against bacteria and VIRUS:

Ceramic gravity/siphon filters (at 0.9 microns Absolute) cannot filter VIRUS , but nobody selling these mentions this. They only mention larger microorganisms such as bacteria and cysts.   Viruses are .02 - .25 microns in size, which is much smaller than 0.9 microns Absolute! In fact Viruses are 45 to 3.6 times smaller than 0.9 microns Absolute. 

Another thing to know is that ceramic filters are real good at clogging up with dirty muddy (non-clear) water, and then they stop working.   We tell you this for your protection, not because we are trying to sell you something.  If the ceramic filters removed virus, then we would simply sell them.


In order to benefit from this, you must always maintain an emergency dedicated supply of unscented household chlorine bleach on hand for this purpose.  We recommend regular unscented Chlorox® bleach.

  And 2 or 3 gallons is certainly better than 1 gallon. (What if your neighbors or relatives come knocking on your door for humanitarian aid?)

  Keep this bleach fresh by replacing it with a new bottle of bleach every 8 months if stored at cool or moderate conditions (< 80 F.), and every 6 months if stored or exposed to high heat (> 80 F.) conditions like a garage in the South.  The hotter you store it at, the quicker the bleach degrades, so replace it sooner.




For Questions or Orders:  Call us at 210-568-3628

  Mon.- Fri. (9 AM-5 PM) CST


For Questions or Orders:  Call us at 210-568-3628

  Mon.- Fri. (9 AM-5 PM) CST


    Janerotech, Inc.

Call Monday through Friday 9 AM – 5 PM (Central Time)
In the USA: 239-357-0038
In Mexico (Distrito Federal): 5350-6590  Email:
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